Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: August 2024
Generated 31-Aug-2024 20:01 CDT

[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Users] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for August 2024
Total Hits 3994848
Total Files 2474906
Total Pages 3289776
Total Visits 17469
Total KBytes 70795104
Total Unique Sites 369
Total Unique URLs 6661
Total Unique Referrers 4372
Total Unique Usernames 131
Total Unique User Agents 4266
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 5369 19188
Hits per Day 128866 199417
Files per Day 79835 121849
Pages per Day 106121 154148
Visits per Day 563 1332
KBytes per Day 2283713 3959022
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 2474906
Code 206 - Partial Content 4724
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 467806
Code 302 - Found 2
Code 304 - Not Modified 11849
Code 400 - Bad Request 446
Code 403 - Forbidden 283
Code 404 - Not Found 308160
Code 408 - Request Timeout 5
Code 410 - Gone 722889
Code 414 - Request-URI Too Long 1
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 3663
Code 501 - Not Implemented 68
Code 502 - Bad Gateway 46

Daily usage for August 2024

Daily Statistics for August 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 99378 2.49% 67277 2.72% 78676 2.39% 346 1.98% 58 15.72% 1842206 2.60%
2 145089 3.63% 99843 4.03% 116534 3.54% 470 2.69% 55 14.91% 3052148 4.31%
3 169706 4.25% 112092 4.53% 146749 4.46% 969 5.55% 53 14.36% 3571079 5.04%
4 191673 4.80% 117834 4.76% 154148 4.69% 1332 7.62% 52 14.09% 3796224 5.36%
5 178593 4.47% 114409 4.62% 147025 4.47% 1261 7.22% 53 14.36% 3959022 5.59%
6 150289 3.76% 95913 3.88% 122652 3.73% 484 2.77% 51 13.82% 2234828 3.16%
7 176089 4.41% 121849 4.92% 148076 4.50% 639 3.66% 54 14.63% 3775022 5.33%
8 157080 3.93% 103408 4.18% 139420 4.24% 765 4.38% 50 13.55% 3109570 4.39%
9 146902 3.68% 89902 3.63% 126261 3.84% 1004 5.75% 49 13.28% 2477057 3.50%
10 148192 3.71% 93261 3.77% 130134 3.96% 741 4.24% 56 15.18% 1659439 2.34%
11 140206 3.51% 84042 3.40% 120993 3.68% 690 3.95% 46 12.47% 1754044 2.48%
12 152222 3.81% 92614 3.74% 134350 4.08% 613 3.51% 53 14.36% 1841437 2.60%
13 139655 3.50% 91848 3.71% 123931 3.77% 505 2.89% 51 13.82% 2069839 2.92%
14 76551 1.92% 43840 1.77% 60395 1.84% 544 3.11% 49 13.28% 1957261 2.76%
15 94095 2.36% 54959 2.22% 80878 2.46% 454 2.60% 51 13.82% 1365490 1.93%
16 148556 3.72% 93661 3.78% 130898 3.98% 467 2.67% 50 13.55% 2369176 3.35%
17 133057 3.33% 81289 3.28% 112947 3.43% 429 2.46% 47 12.74% 1629565 2.30%
18 129360 3.24% 80880 3.27% 112325 3.41% 525 3.01% 52 14.09% 1596803 2.26%
19 97041 2.43% 58889 2.38% 68822 2.09% 423 2.42% 55 14.91% 2537663 3.58%
20 57553 1.44% 27208 1.10% 37976 1.15% 383 2.19% 48 13.01% 1634482 2.31%
21 57534 1.44% 32740 1.32% 40566 1.23% 457 2.62% 50 13.55% 2270757 3.21%
22 63257 1.58% 36540 1.48% 45595 1.39% 382 2.19% 50 13.55% 2846083 4.02%
23 66276 1.66% 34035 1.38% 44370 1.35% 324 1.85% 49 13.28% 2425605 3.43%
24 95316 2.39% 53384 2.16% 70147 2.13% 328 1.88% 51 13.82% 2266517 3.20%
25 148188 3.71% 89085 3.60% 129165 3.93% 463 2.65% 52 14.09% 2019049 2.85%
26 144983 3.63% 81533 3.29% 122012 3.71% 347 1.99% 55 14.91% 1228692 1.74%
27 156688 3.92% 97575 3.94% 136037 4.14% 652 3.73% 52 14.09% 2726870 3.85%
28 155139 3.88% 92800 3.75% 120644 3.67% 575 3.29% 51 13.82% 1830047 2.58%
29 199417 4.99% 121549 4.91% 132907 4.04% 758 4.34% 50 13.55% 3135793 4.43%
30 133912 3.35% 78027 3.15% 116843 3.55% 621 3.55% 52 14.09% 1531037 2.16%
31 42851 1.07% 32620 1.32% 38300 1.16% 179 1.02% 319 86.45% 282297 0.40%

Hourly usage for August 2024

Hourly Statistics for August 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages KBytes
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 5788 179448 4.49% 3760 116579 4.71% 4957 153689 4.67% 107183 3322682 4.69%
1 5929 183805 4.60% 3270 101385 4.10% 4940 153145 4.66% 101245 3138609 4.43%
2 5398 167343 4.19% 3322 103005 4.16% 4488 139137 4.23% 102239 3169414 4.48%
3 5678 176025 4.41% 3560 110364 4.46% 4627 143465 4.36% 106322 3295988 4.66%
4 5325 165099 4.13% 3277 101597 4.11% 4272 132436 4.03% 100386 3111958 4.40%
5 5445 168801 4.23% 3361 104199 4.21% 4367 135385 4.12% 105560 3272369 4.62%
6 5471 169619 4.25% 3478 107836 4.36% 4469 138554 4.21% 109631 3398561 4.80%
7 5644 174980 4.38% 3527 109364 4.42% 4532 140506 4.27% 105989 3285652 4.64%
8 5730 177659 4.45% 3625 112405 4.54% 4701 145739 4.43% 108481 3362906 4.75%
9 5320 164936 4.13% 3289 101976 4.12% 4367 135406 4.12% 102151 3166672 4.47%
10 5378 166738 4.17% 3355 104016 4.20% 4372 135559 4.12% 100961 3129787 4.42%
11 5356 166049 4.16% 3219 99794 4.03% 4387 136004 4.13% 93758 2906489 4.11%
12 5263 163168 4.08% 3262 101132 4.09% 4292 133055 4.04% 92497 2867420 4.05%
13 5339 165530 4.14% 3394 105214 4.25% 4390 136093 4.14% 94773 2937964 4.15%
14 5556 172237 4.31% 3602 111673 4.51% 4640 143841 4.37% 97397 3019300 4.26%
15 5203 161307 4.04% 3194 99014 4.00% 4227 131064 3.98% 92962 2881825 4.07%
16 5168 160236 4.01% 3199 99196 4.01% 4266 132256 4.02% 89461 2773294 3.92%
17 5124 158854 3.98% 3192 98967 4.00% 4253 131845 4.01% 86649 2686126 3.79%
18 5068 157114 3.93% 3168 98209 3.97% 4163 129071 3.92% 79847 2475270 3.50%
19 5071 157212 3.94% 3125 96881 3.91% 4141 128398 3.90% 72767 2255790 3.19%
20 5287 163924 4.10% 3259 101055 4.08% 4367 135403 4.12% 74898 2321845 3.28%
21 5078 157446 3.94% 3120 96733 3.91% 4208 130450 3.97% 81910 2539203 3.59%
22 5069 157139 3.93% 3086 95676 3.87% 4298 133259 4.05% 83201 2579219 3.64%
23 5167 160179 4.01% 3181 98636 3.99% 4387 136016 4.13% 93444 2896761 4.09%

Top 30 of 6661 Total URLs
# Hits KBytes URL
1 1376258 34.45% 117507 0.17% /
2 109481 2.74% 14662026 20.71% /statistics/site-2117/usage_201409.html
3 90590 2.27% 916709 1.29% /statistics/site-2091/
4 50897 1.27% 1184564 1.67% /events.pml
5 50756 1.27% 515806 0.73% /statistics/site-2117/
6 42028 1.05% 723106 1.02% /community-calendar.pml
7 41868 1.05% 423157 0.60% /statistics/site-2131/
8 40433 1.01% 410111 0.58% /statistics/site-2096/
9 38702 0.97% 393741 0.56% /statistics/site-2104/
10 36196 0.91% 4828554 6.82% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201409.html
11 35957 0.90% 4813175 6.80% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201604.html
12 35787 0.90% 4763211 6.73% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201409.html
13 33390 0.84% 338446 0.48% /statistics/site-2125/
14 33168 0.83% 336338 0.48% /statistics/site-2115/
15 29261 0.73% 16212 0.02% /robots.txt
16 21387 0.54% 353458 0.50% /calendar.pml
17 18270 0.46% 2423739 3.42% /statistics/site-2116/usage_201506.html
18 18167 0.45% 2386012 3.37% /statistics/site-2131/usage_201506.html
19 18050 0.45% 175680 0.25% /site/view/75226_Guestbook.pml
20 18043 0.45% 2382942 3.37% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201506.html
21 17983 0.45% 2368201 3.35% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201506.html
22 16440 0.41% 1961444 2.77% /statistics/site-2131/usage_202408.html
23 13282 0.33% 1646912 2.33% /statistics/site-2091/usage_202408.html
24 13267 0.33% 1651783 2.33% /statistics/site-2154/usage_202408.html
25 11010 0.28% 1324712 1.87% /statistics/site-2115/usage_202408.html
26 7371 0.18% 946334 1.34% /statistics/site-2117/usage_202405.html
27 6860 0.17% 69451 0.10% /statistics/site-2097/
28 6703 0.17% 833762 1.18% /statistics/site-2123/usage_202408.html
29 6690 0.17% 833994 1.18% /statistics/site-2159/usage_202408.html
30 5566 0.14% 671734 0.95% /statistics/site-2124/usage_202408.html

Top 10 of 6661 Total URLs By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 109481 2.74% 14662026 20.71% /statistics/site-2117/usage_201409.html
2 36196 0.91% 4828554 6.82% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201409.html
3 35957 0.90% 4813175 6.80% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201604.html
4 35787 0.90% 4763211 6.73% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201409.html
5 18270 0.46% 2423739 3.42% /statistics/site-2116/usage_201506.html
6 18167 0.45% 2386012 3.37% /statistics/site-2131/usage_201506.html
7 18043 0.45% 2382942 3.37% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201506.html
8 17983 0.45% 2368201 3.35% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201506.html
9 16440 0.41% 1961444 2.77% /statistics/site-2131/usage_202408.html
10 13267 0.33% 1651783 2.33% /statistics/site-2154/usage_202408.html

Top 10 of 366 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1376258 34.45% 5062 29.70% /
2 109481 2.74% 3841 22.54% /statistics/site-2117/usage_201409.html
3 18043 0.45% 2065 12.12% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201506.html
4 36196 0.91% 1444 8.47% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201409.html
5 35787 0.90% 831 4.88% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201409.html
6 18270 0.46% 706 4.14% /statistics/site-2116/usage_201506.html
7 35957 0.90% 519 3.05% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201604.html
8 18167 0.45% 492 2.89% /statistics/site-2131/usage_201506.html
9 17983 0.45% 354 2.08% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201506.html
10 13267 0.33% 128 0.75% /statistics/site-2154/usage_202408.html

Top 10 of 656 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 1376258 34.45% 7197 52.32% /
2 109481 2.74% 810 5.89% /statistics/site-2117/usage_201409.html
3 50756 1.27% 519 3.77% /statistics/site-2117/
4 33168 0.83% 435 3.16% /statistics/site-2115/
5 38702 0.97% 428 3.11% /statistics/site-2104/
6 33390 0.84% 400 2.91% /statistics/site-2125/
7 90590 2.27% 358 2.60% /statistics/site-2091/
8 41868 1.05% 329 2.39% /statistics/site-2131/
9 35787 0.90% 225 1.64% /statistics/site-2091/usage_201409.html
10 35957 0.90% 200 1.45% /statistics/site-2096/usage_201604.html

Top 30 of 369 Total Sites
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 751100 18.80% 719229 29.06% 625964 0.88% 679 3.89%
2 736431 18.43% 705053 28.49% 903741 1.28% 1713 9.81%
3 699646 17.51% 19385 0.78% 2439842 3.45% 2297 13.15%
4 142203 3.56% 80227 3.24% 6212437 8.78% 284 1.63%
5 124277 3.11% 77539 3.13% 3672582 5.19% 762 4.36%
6 116459 2.92% 85961 3.47% 5146734 7.27% 1004 5.75%
7 109717 2.75% 76788 3.10% 4475746 6.32% 893 5.11%
8 99270 2.48% 67607 2.73% 4650034 6.57% 883 5.05%
9 99196 2.48% 37649 1.52% 474524 0.67% 93 0.53%
10 97322 2.44% 65099 2.63% 4536956 6.41% 828 4.74%
11 92736 2.32% 43804 1.77% 3962552 5.60% 500 2.86%
12 92165 2.31% 42130 1.70% 496220 0.70% 36 0.21%
13 90566 2.27% 58381 2.36% 3666719 5.18% 538 3.08%
14 88975 2.23% 56117 2.27% 2874766 4.06% 682 3.90%
15 87224 2.18% 37433 1.51% 3895502 5.50% 503 2.88%
16 84078 2.10% 29941 1.21% 429890 0.61% 98 0.56%
17 81061 2.03% 51042 2.06% 5832268 8.24% 731 4.18%
18 64210 1.61% 29058 1.17% 3103756 4.38% 505 2.89%
19 54243 1.36% 26575 1.07% 1120605 1.58% 415 2.38%
20 46614 1.17% 39848 1.61% 4325763 6.11% 403 2.31%
21 38444 0.96% 28623 1.16% 2913355 4.12% 286 1.64%
22 31070 0.78% 11843 0.48% 302404 0.43% 44 0.25%
23 26507 0.66% 22503 0.91% 2467749 3.49% 181 1.04%
24 22916 0.57% 10175 0.41% 193471 0.27% 160 0.92%
25 21645 0.54% 133 0.01% 27444 0.04% 493 2.82%
26 17623 0.44% 155 0.01% 26519 0.04% 1 0.01%
27 16593 0.42% 11866 0.48% 630032 0.89% 247 1.41%
28 14111 0.35% 8215 0.33% 191560 0.27% 157 0.90%
29 13512 0.34% 13471 0.54% 0 0.00% 22 0.13%
30 10227 0.26% 7538 0.30% 767071 1.08% 356 2.04%

Top 10 of 369 Total Sites By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Hostname
1 142203 3.56% 80227 3.24% 6212437 8.78% 284 1.63%
2 81061 2.03% 51042 2.06% 5832268 8.24% 731 4.18%
3 116459 2.92% 85961 3.47% 5146734 7.27% 1004 5.75%
4 99270 2.48% 67607 2.73% 4650034 6.57% 883 5.05%
5 97322 2.44% 65099 2.63% 4536956 6.41% 828 4.74%
6 109717 2.75% 76788 3.10% 4475746 6.32% 893 5.11%
7 46614 1.17% 39848 1.61% 4325763 6.11% 403 2.31%
8 92736 2.32% 43804 1.77% 3962552 5.60% 500 2.86%
9 87224 2.18% 37433 1.51% 3895502 5.50% 503 2.88%
10 124277 3.11% 77539 3.13% 3672582 5.19% 762 4.36%

Top 30 of 4372 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 530231 13.27% - (Direct Request)
2 295946 7.41%
3 293747 7.35%
4 99628 2.49%
5 99600 2.49%
6 99589 2.49%
7 99556 2.49%
8 99547 2.49%
9 99510 2.49%
10 99507 2.49%
11 99499 2.49%
12 99487 2.49%
13 99457 2.49%
14 99456 2.49%
15 99452 2.49%
16 99387 2.49%
17 99382 2.49%
18 99380 2.49%
19 99309 2.49%
20 99299 2.49%
21 99232 2.48%
22 99095 2.48%
23 99078 2.48%
24 69999 1.75%
25 68664 1.72%
26 40016 1.00%
27 36816 0.92%
28 32552 0.81%
29 16118 0.40%
30 15534 0.39%

Top 9 of 9 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 54 24.11%
2 29 12.95%
3 27 12.05%
4 27 12.05%
5 24 10.71%
6 23 10.27%
7 22 9.82%
8 17 7.59%
9 1 0.45%

Top 20 of 131 Total Usernames
# Hits Files KBytes Visits Username
1 743 0.02% 743 0.03% 17568 0.02% 3 0.02% - -
2 727 0.02% 727 0.03% 17335 0.02% 2 0.01% - -
3 715 0.02% 715 0.03% 16884 0.02% 2 0.01% - -
4 714 0.02% 714 0.03% 17242 0.02% 2 0.01% - -
5 708 0.02% 708 0.03% 16827 0.02% 2 0.01% - -
6 697 0.02% 697 0.03% 16687 0.02% 2 0.01% - -
7 685 0.02% 685 0.03% 16428 0.02% 2 0.01% - -
8 668 0.02% 668 0.03% 15999 0.02% 1 0.01% - -
9 496 0.01% 496 0.02% 1646 0.00% 1 0.01% - -
10 135 0.00% 135 0.01% 1449 0.00% 1 0.01% - -
11 56 0.00% 56 0.00% 1888 0.00% 2 0.01% - -
12 55 0.00% 55 0.00% 4250 0.01% 1 0.01% - -
13 51 0.00% 51 0.00% 1205 0.00% 1 0.01% - -
14 51 0.00% 51 0.00% 482 0.00% 3 0.02% - -
15 49 0.00% 49 0.00% 1239 0.00% 1 0.01% - -
16 48 0.00% 48 0.00% 447 0.00% 2 0.01% - -
17 48 0.00% 48 0.00% 1304 0.00% 1 0.01% - -
18 47 0.00% 47 0.00% 430 0.00% 3 0.02% - -
19 47 0.00% 47 0.00% 602 0.00% 2 0.01% - -
20 46 0.00% 46 0.00% 413 0.00% 5 0.03% - -

Top 15 of 4266 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 2045434 51.20% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +
2 232814 5.83% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Bytespider; AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Sa
3 106042 2.65% Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537.36 (compatible; Bytespider; spider-
4 71423 1.79% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MJ12bot/v1.4.8;
5 64920 1.63% Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_10_1) AppleWebKit/600.2.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0.2 Safari/600.2.5 (Amazonb
6 60211 1.51% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
7 60197 1.51% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
8 59974 1.50% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
9 59879 1.50% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
10 45310 1.13% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; GPTBot/1.0; +
11 43931 1.10% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
12 40000 1.00% Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/127.0.6533.99 Safari/537.36
13 32283 0.81% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
14 30237 0.76% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36
15 30037 0.75% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.114 Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for August 2024

Top 5 of 5 Total Countries
# Hits Files KBytes Country
1 2428554 60.79% 1565417 63.25% 8746271 12.35% commercial (.com)
2 1521163 38.08% 894025 36.12% 61952489 87.51% network (.net)
3 45122 1.13% 20188 0.82% 96332 0.14% unresolved
4 8 0.00% 0 0.00% 11 0.00% organizations (.org)
5 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Canada

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.01